Disaster prevention training

The Supreme Court officials has participated in the training on disaster prevention and protection knowledge and skills training at the Disaster Protection and prevention Training and Center of the Capital City on March 22, 2017.

Training began with a disaster awareness documentary film. documentary film about disasters that have occurred in Kobe as well as a series of disasters in Japan have provided general knowledge of the disaster and aims at achieving the goal of preventing it.

During the training, official visited training room for rescue in height learned how to tie the rope to a wall, to climb the rocks, and to tie the rope.

In addition, in the First Aid room they have tested on how act in in situation on breaking bones and spasms, heart failure, and the drowning in the water.

Training center which is established from June 2016, has a training room for children. It also introduces children to physical barriers and auxiliary training and calls for emergency and preventive measures.

The Rescue Hall of Emergency Room provides general knowledge about fire risk, prevention, fire fighting, and practice in a special hazardous environment.

Also, the "most interesting" part of the training was the "real-life experience of the 4-8 magnitude earthquake" in the chamber of preparations for earthquake and learns how to  selecting a safe environment and how to protect themselves during the earthquake.

The Supreme Court officials expressed their gratitude to the training center for their involvement in the disaster protection knowledge and skills training.