On the significant contribution on the judiciary reform of Mongolia, President bestowed upon Mr. Zorig Tsevegmed, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Mongolia, the title of the State Merit Lawyer of Mongolia.


Chief Justice Zorig Tsevegmid served judicial and arbitration institutions over 34 for years since 1982 and in 2010 he appointed as a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Mongolia.

Judiciary of Mongolia and judges as well as the court administrative are proud of his personal participation and significant contribution to the drafting the Package of Law on Court and bringing specialized courts, to ensure transparency of the judicial process as well as expand foreign relations and judicial budget and improvement on training

 Chief Justice Ts.Zorig served as Arbiter of Selenege aimag, the Supreme Court and ministry of Justice in 1982 to 1990; in 1990 to 1992 Judge of People’s Court of Oktyabr District; in 1992-1993 Member of Ulaanbaatar city’s Court; in 1993-2006 Judge of Capital City’s Court; 2006-2010 Chief Judge of Capital City’s Court; in 2010 Justice of the Supreme Court; in 2010-2013 Chairman of Judicial General Council and appointed as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of  Mongolia in November 5, 2010.